Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I just want to say thank you to everyone for all the positivity and well wishes for me. Today hasn't been the easiest day but I wanted to share something I have been working on. Photoshop Elements. I am continually learning new things and trying to sponge them up. So here is what I was working on last night. The before and after. This pic is just a random one I had on the laptop. Nothing special about it but a super cute boy. What do you think?


After some tweeking...


Jessie's Joy in Her Journey said...

I like how you hyped up the hues and the viniette is really nice. Great job! Austin has cute cheeks!

Tabitha and Kelly said...

Hi Christy! I am a friend of Nic's from his childhood Jump Co. days. Nicole Wyke is one of my best friends, and I always see how all of you guys are doing from time to time. I just have to say I have loved all of your photos, and I think you are doing an amazing job. I love babies and pregnant women too, and I think you do a great job capturing their beauty!

Timber said...

That is really awesome! You do awesome work :D